20 july 2015

Simulation Center from experience of the Kazan Federal (Volga region) University will be created at the Juntendo University (Japan) on the basis of Tatarstan equipment. This decision was announced during a visit of the Japanese delegation to the Kazan Federal University.

 “We were impressed by the quality of installed simulators in KFU, developed by graduates of the University and employees of the Kazan company “Eidos-Medicine”, - said the Dean of the Medical Faculty of the Juntendo University Hajime Arai. — Installation of the Simulation Center in Japan, which is based on simulators produced in Kazan, is planned for autumn of this year”.

Simulation medicine in Japan is at an early stage of development, which is why Japanese colleagues are interested in the Russian experience, as noted the press service of the Kazan Federal University. According to the Director of “Eidos-Medicine” Lenar Valeev, the first 15 of Kazan simulations will form the basis of the Center at the Juntendo University. “This will be the first test center. In the future, if the experience proves successful, it is planned to create a whole network of such simulation centers in Japan”, - he said. Previously, almost all medical simulators for Russian centers were purchased in the United States.

Juntendo University is Japanese private university, founded in 1838 as a Dutch medical school. The purpose of the University is the education of physicians who are well versed in the scientific and humanitarian aspects of medicine. The University has partnership agreements with 36 universities in 12 countries. With Russian universities official cooperation agreements have not been signed yet.


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