24 july 2015

Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in scientific-technical sphere continues to accept applications for the implementation of the 1st phase of the program “Start-2015”, aimed at providing grants to small innovative enterprises.

In the competition can take part legal entities operating for at least 2 years, corresponding to Federal Low No. 209-FZ from 24/07/2007, and having the company’s revenue is not more than 1 million rubles per year, as well as individuals who have submitted an application with all necessary documents in the information system of the Foundation for Assistance.

Individuals, applying for the competition, must not participate in other projects financed by the Foundation. In the case of a victory at competition individuals will register an enterprise that meets the criteria of small business entities in accordance with the Federal law of 24.07.2007 No.209-FZ, which would be a contract (agreement) for the provision of grants to perform research and development works.

The competition is held on five thematic areas (“Information technology”, “Medicine of the future”, “Modern materials and technologies of its creation”, “New devices and hardware systems”, “Biotechnology”).

To ensure the objectivity and transparency in the selection of projects independent examination of projects is carried out in two stages. In the first stage for every project it is carried out independent expertise to assess the scientific and technical level of development, the prospects of implementation, commercial sale of the produced product, the availability and qualification of labor resources for project execution. Applications that the results of the first stage examination are not recommended for funding by all experts that participated in the examination of these applications are rejected and not admitted to the second stage of the examination.

For more detailed information about the program’s objectives, its main stages, the order of consideration of applications can be found on the Foundation’s website  in the Regulation of the program “Start”.

To apply for participation in the Competition is possible through the system “Fund-M” at address

Accepting applications for the second stage of the Competition “Start- 2015” is available until September 30, 2015.

Apply for participation in the competition is possible through the system "Fund-M" at

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