28 july 2015

The signatures in the document were signed by CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko and Director of the Minsk City Technopark Vladimir Davidovich.

The delegation of the Minsk City Technopark got acquainted with the activities of “Idea” and noted a large number of points of contact from the creation of outsourcing design office to ensure engagement of residents of innovative sites of Minsk and Kazan.

Nanotechnology Center and a resident of Technopark - company “Eidos” also became the subject of increased attention from colleagues from Belarus. During the presentation of the company “Eidos” and one of its projects - a medical simulator for laparoscopic operations, the delegation of the Minsk City Technopark noted that one of their resident companies is engaged in realization of such equipment. It was found that the Kazan company provided for the approbation of several types of equipment to resident of the Minsk City Technopark for its testing and subsequent implementation. Thus, the Minsk company is a distributor of the company “Eidos” on the territory of Belarus and communication between residents of two innovative platforms began even earlier cooperation of the technoparks.

In the framework of the signed agreement, the parties will cooperate in the implementation of joint scientific and technical projects and programs, technology transfer from higher education and academic sectors of science in the industrial sector.

Visit of the delegation of the Minsk City Technopark in Technopark “Idea” is the response.

Recall that the visit of management of Technopark “Idea” and Technopark “Idea-Yugo-Vostok” in LLC “Minsk City Technopark” was on June 11, 2015.

During the meeting, they had a tour of the modernized premises of LLC “Minsk City Technopark”, as well as the presentation of the residents. Its products were presented by Unitary Enterprise “Middle East Partnership”, LLC “Aerosistema”, LLC “BDK-Print”, LLC “Virtual Technologies”.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko expressed interest in cooperation, following the meeting it was reached an agreement on support for the Belarusian companies in entering the Russian market, information support and finding partners on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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