18 august 2015

III Conference of Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIC) of the Republic of Tatarstan “Tatarstan CYICs - strategic points of growth of the economy of the Republic” will take place in September 3, 2015 in Technopark “Idea”. It is expected that the conference will bring together.

The event will consist of three parts: an exhibition of works by students of CYIC, where pupils and students will present their developments, a practical seminar for managers of CYIC and a round table, during which will be discussed the prospects of development of network of Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity.

CYIC is a professional workshop, which has no different from laboratories or workshops of professionals, with sufficient tools and equipment used for educational and commercial purposes.

The Republic became one of the 13 regions of the winners of the competition announced by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in November 2011. In the regions there are over 30 Centers for Youth Creativity, 10 of which are located in Tatarstan.

February 27, 2013 in Kazan was opened the first in Russia CYIC “Idea” – the center, equipped with modern universal prototyping equipment, which simultaneously can work from 10 to 15 people. Laser engravers, 3D scanners, milling machines and 3D printers, allowing in the shortest time to produce prototypes of parts of any complexity in volume, provide a solid basis for the development and promotion of youth technical creativity and expansion of the network of children’s creative centers of the new generation.

The centres were visited by more than 5,000 students. Students of CYIC present their works at national competitions, such as the Russian Startup Tour and Geek Picnic – Russia’s largest festival, dedicated to modern technologies.

The event starts at 11.00 am.

Accreditation of journalists by phone: +7 (843) 570-68-50 (ext. 97-45) or email

(Alsu Mironova).


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