1 september 2015

A training program for innovative oil and gas companies in the framework of Federal Accelerator GenerationS has started today in Technopark “Idea”. During the month developers of 23 projects will work together with experts of the industry. The program includes workshops, presentations for investors and meetings with leading oil and gas companies of Tatarstan.

With parting words at the opening ceremony of the Accelerator were addressed Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Bulat Khaziakhmetov, Deputy Director of the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan Ruslan Gabidullin, CEO of OJSC “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding” Rafinat Yarullin, CEO of “Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, CEO of Pulsar Venture Capital Pavel Korolev and other officials.

 “This year we reviewed 251 applications, among which 96 projects are from Tatarstan. In partnership with the company “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding” has formed the concept of holding accelerator in the field of oil and gas chemical industry. We sure that Tatarstan is one of the unique regions of Russia, where innovative projects can be quickly and actively implemented in the industry. I hope that together we can make our industry is quite interesting and safe”, - said Pavel Korolev.

Wishing good luck to all participants of the project, Rafinat Yarullin told about the new opportunities in the oil and gas industry and free niches. He told about the activities of “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding”, and also reported that as a result of the selection a part of the projects will be presented at the scientific and technical council of the company.

Sergey Yushko told about developments of Technopark residents and prospects of development of joint project. “Technopark is open to aspiring entrepreneurs: we are ready to help in finding partners and to assist in the implementation of the product’, - he said.

GenerationS for startups is the acceleration program, gaining skills in the technology business, the opportunity to refine their product in close cooperation with the prospective corporate client, to establish connections with corporations, investors and experts, to enhance the business potential and investment attractiveness of the project. The accelerator has been held by RVC since 2013 with the support of Russian corporations, development institutions, and representatives of venture capital infrastructure. Since 2015 GenerationS resources have been used to create corporate and industry accelerators in close cooperation with major Russian corporations. Corporations are directly involved in the selection, assessment of projects and the acceleration of the startups participants of GenerationS, based on their needs in innovative developments. Search for innovative projects is carried out through a regional partnership of GenerationS, bringing together start-up schools, business incubators, universities and other participants of the innovation ecosystem, working with startups.

GenerationS-2015 is conducted by seven sectoral areas (tracks): Power & Energy (modern power generation), Telecom Idea (telecommunications), Robotics (automated and robotic systems), Aerospace (technology for the aerospace industry), SmartCity (technology for life, “smart city”), Oil & Gas (technologies and materials in the oil and gas sector), BiotechMed (biotechnology and medicine).

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