4 september 2015

A startup of the Nanocenter - mobile plant for the production of concrete products from sulfur –became the best in the category “Innovative environmentally safe technologies”.

The week before it was presented to Interim President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the heads of enterprises of the petrochemical industry at a meeting of the Board of Directors of “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding”, where were mentioned issues of use of petrochemical products in the construction industry.

It is widely known that in the last decade in all industrialized countries - including in Russia – there is an increase in the production of technical sulfur as a byproduct in the refining and treatment of oil, natural and flue gases. This fact prompted a group of scientists, engineers and businessmen from Kazan on the idea of creating a mobile complex for the production of sulfur concrete with a capacity of 20 cubic meters per hour.

Innovative plant KZAF-20 is a unique development of project company of the Nanocenter LLC “TIOKOMPOZIT”. The total project cost is 51 million rubles. The startup solves two basic problems. The first one is connected with the disposal of waste gas and petrochemical industries, in particular sulfur. The second is with the increase in strength, hydronamic and frost resistance of building materials.

 “Every year hundreds of thousands tons of technical sulfur in the form of waste remain at the enterprises of petrochemical complex of Russia, the total volume of which in Russia has already exceeded 10 million tons. This start-up, in fact, turns the environmental problem into a vast resource base. We have invested in technology development 44 million rubles, knowing that the project would not only quickly pay for itself, but will begin to make a profit. Today, the production of sulfur concrete is the most promising and effective technology for utilization of sulfur”, - commented Dmitry Pashin, General Director of the Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The plant is capable of producing a variety of construction products, which meets all sanitary standards and have been certified. Primarily there is started manufacture of curbs, paving slabs and rubble. The latter is particularly interested in the leadership of the Republic, as of today, the average consumption of crushed stone in Tatarstan is 5-6 million tons.

Rubble of sulfur concrete corresponds to mark M1000. It has a high frost resistance and able to withstand more than 400 cycles due to the hydrophobic properties. Unlike granite, innovation rubble is not radioactive. As the industrial complex is mobile, it can be transported directly to the location of raw materials, which significantly reduces the cost of production.

Evgeniy Khramov, Director of the project company “TIOKOMPOZIT”: “For Russia technology of production of sulfur concrete is a novelty. Meanwhile, in the world practice the benefits of its application have already been confirmed by its behavior in a real environment, it is widely used in construction abroad. Let me emphasize that our technology and our plant is a 100% domestic product with the introduction of nanotechnology, which has significantly improved the competitiveness of the material”.

Technological process:

An important advantage of the technology for producing sulfur concrete is the lack of water in the process, which allows operation at low temperatures. The technology allows to produce various kinds of products according to the established parameters. There is an option of a colored staining directly in the process. The production is wasteless. There is a possibility of secondary use of the finished products.


The feature of the proposed technology: the use of hydrodynamic disperser, which allows to create in direct-flow mode metananostructured system with obtaining a copolymer of sulfur. The sulfur concrete binder has higher strength in comparison with Portland cement concreteы, fast - within a few hours - reach design strength.


Key qualities of the new material “sulfur concrete” are durability and reliability. It has high resistance to aggressive environments. It is distinguished by first-class resistance to cyclic loads. Sulfur concrete has antibacterial properties, is resistant to radiation exposure. It meets all sanitary-technical construction standards.


• Road construction

• Water and sewer system

• Systems for storage of aggressive, toxic and radioactive wastes

• Shore protection systems, port facilities

• Underground structures

• Decorative elements in the construction and design

Economic benefits:

• Low cost of prescription concrete

• Low power consumption in the production of concrete

• High turnover of forms for making concrete products

The press service of the Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan

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