15 september 2015

The term “anchor resident” of Technopark is based on the business model of innovative infrastructure, which involves placing on one platform of small innovative companies that enjoy the benefits of renting, and large companies, locating in Technopark on commercial terms. The anchor residents perform a serious role as in the life of the infrastructure, and in the life of small companies surrounding them.

For Technopark anchor companies are the guarantor of the attractiveness of the platform for large business, as well as the financial stability of the infrastructure.

For small companies – residents of Technopark - anchor companies are partners, tasks directors and even employers within the framework of individual projects.

In the first years of Technopark operation anchor residents were technology divisions of global brands such as GE Money Bank, Yokogawa, Siemens, Panasonic, etc. The companies occupied large areas in comparison with the startup companies, and ensured a positive balance of the budget of Technopark on the background of costs for the provision of preferential rent for startups.

With the development of small innovative company in Technopark, it becomes necessary an additional area, as growing number of employees, and develop new activities. By this time the company reaches a commercial lease and becomes anchor resident, rising in line with the technological departments of global brands.

The next status in the history of this company – extraterritorial resident of Technopark – the company that has grown from startup to anchor resident, moved to another area, but continues to actively participate in the life of the innovative infrastructure, interacting with residents of Technopark.

In 2015 to the level of anchor residents have grown: the group of companies “Eidos”, company IP Group, SmartHead, Metrological Center “STP”.

In addition to the companies that have grown up in Technopark “Idea”, in the status of anchor resident also have moved a division of the American company Informatica, which develops software for data integration, and “AST Technology”, which is part of the group of companies AST – system integrator that specializes in implementing integrated projects on information security and others.

Congratulations to the company’s growth and wish them continued success!

For reference:

Eidos is an innovative group of companies for the production of robotic equipment and simulators, operating on the Russian market for about five years, it has become a leader and one of the leading domestic companies. The company has developed in Technopark on the level from start-up to anchor resident. One of the company’s achievements - virtual simulators for driving schools DOSAAF.

Medical equipment of company “Eidos” is the equipping of simulation and training classes, experimental operating. There has been developed a number of domestic innovative medical training systems, its characteristics are not inferior to foreign analogues.

Since mid-2013 the company is developing a “Robotic complex of the third generation on processing of metals”. The robots are able to diagnose the condition of the incoming flow of raw materials and to eliminate the defects of incoming products.

“Center of prototyping and introduction of domestic robotics” was created by the company “Eidos-Robototechnika” in 2014, providing a full cycle of production from computer design, manufacturing of prototypes to its introduction at the enterprises.

Company IP-Group carries out a full complex of works on implementation of development projects of different complexity and purpose, offers services for pre-project activities, concept development, conceptual projects, urban planning, design and documentation. The company performs the functions of technical customer to support design and construction, technical supervision and commissioning. Geography of the projects of the company: Kazan, Moscow, Sochi and other Russian cities.

SmartHead is an example of creating spin-off companies in Technopark. The company provides services for the development and complex support of web projects for professional-quality level.

SmartHead develops and supports Internet projects, as well as mobile and “desktop” applications.

The company’s customers include more than 50 advertising agencies, among them Leo Burnett, Instinct, Red Keds, HAVAS, DDB and others. Together with them SmartHed develops digital solutions for major brands: Honda, Audi, P&G, Coca-Cola, Heineken, Danone, Unilever, Panasonic, IKEA, MasterCard, Cirque Du Soleil and many others.

Metrological Center “STP” is an independent Russian company, providing metrological services for enterprises of petrochemical complex and related industries.

The main activity of “STP” is to assist in the development of metrological assurance of the Russian petrochemical complex and complexes of the CIS countries and abroad, as well as in conducting research to develop and improve existing metrological documents, interstate standards and standards of the Russian Federation.

In 2012 the company built a working standard fluid flow measuring of the first grade and a working standard measuring gas flow of the second grade. The standards allow to conduct a variety of experimental studies, including determination of the effect of disturbing influences on the metrological characteristics of flowmeters.

Informatica is an American company, a developer of replicated middleware software for data integration. The main functional purpose of products of the company is to control data quality (including data cleaning), master data management, information lifecycle management.

The company is a world leader in the field of integration and data quality, allowing companies to improve their competitiveness and business efficiency through reliable, accurate and timely data. The company has more than 5,000 clients worldwide.

AST-Volga region is part of the group of companies AST - a systems integrator specializing in the realization of complex projects on information security, development and introduction of information and analytical systems, as well as systems for managing business processes and corporate content. For13 years of work it has been completing more than 350 projects, including the federal level, for enterprises of different economic sectors in 20 regions of the Russian Federation.

The company is engaged in scientific research in the field of information technology and machine learning methods, software development, analog and digital devices.

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