6 october 2015

Tomorrow, on October 7, 2015, the resident of Technopark “Idea” - the company “Eidos” will open the Medical Simulation Center at the University Juntendo (Tokyo).

The opening of the Simulation Center in Japan is one of the most important projects of the company “Eidos” in 2015 along with the creation of a Simulation Center in Simferopol in the Crimean Federal University named after Vernandskiy.

“Eidos” is an innovative company producing simulators, one of the leading Russian software developers and equipment manufacturers in the field of virtual reality systems.

Having started its activity in 2010 in Technopark “Idea” with the release of auto simulators, currently the company is engaged not only the development of auto- and flight simulators, simulators for emergency services, military equipment and navigation, but also has mastered new directions – the development and production of medical simulators, allowing with high accuracy to simulate the operation: at the mannequin, on which the surgery is performed, it is possible to monitor the pulse, breathing and heartbeat. There shows the operation process and actions of the surgeon on a special high-definition screen. Thanks to the use of this simulator, it is possible to reduce the number of medical errors.

Another innovation development of the company is a robot of the third generation, independently analyzing the state of metal-working dies and developing a program to restore it using a laser.

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