7 october 2015

From 5 to 31 October, 2015 the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Fund for Entrepreneurship Support of the Republic of Tatarstan are carrying out the regional stage of All-Russian contest “Young Entrepreneur of Russia – 2015”.

The aim of the competition is to promote entrepreneurship as an effective life strategy in the youth environment, the formation of a positive image of youth entrepreneurship as an important factor of economic and social progress of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the identification and encouragement of active and gifted young people who do business.

To participate in the competition is open to citizens of the Russian Federation, who are the subjects of youth entrepreneurship, at the age of 14 (full years) to 30 years (inclusive) at the time of application for participation. At the same time, the bidder must be: an individual entrepreneur, founder or co-founder of a legal entity, registered in accordance with the law on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of its organizational-legal form and form of ownership or serve on the executive body of a legal entity.

There is not be allowed to participate persons, representing companies, carrying out prohibited by the legislation activity and the activity for the production or sale of alcohol products and tobacco, tobacco products, smoking accessories. There will not be able to participate in the competition and companies, organizing or conducting games of chance.

The contest will be held in the following nominations: “Successful Start”, “Socially Responsible Business”, “Student Business”, “Innovative Business”, “Agriculture”, “Services”, “Production”, “Women’s Entrepreneurship”, “Family Business”, “Franchising”.

The event will take place in four stages. In the period up to October 15, 2015 will be the collection of applications and since October 17, 2015 in three municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan will take place the second stage, which is a selection of the participants of the Competition by presenting business projects to the Jury. Then the third stage – the training and the fourth – the final, in which the best companies will prepare to the final of the regional Competition and will present on court of jury and spectators. The final and solemn ceremony of summarizing and rewarding of winners will take place in Kazan not later than 31 October 2015.

In the composition of the jury will include representatives of the organizers, as well as experts in the field of entrepreneurship and business development, representatives of higher schools, public associations and unions, as well as representatives of business structures.

The winners will be awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Economy of RT. The winners will receive the right to represent Tatarstan at the All-Russian Competition in Moscow.

Regarding application and for more information you can contact by e-mail: Predprinimatel.molod@tatar.ru  and tel.: +7 (843) 524-90-90 (calls are accepted from 9:00 am to 06:00 pm).

Follow the news on the official website of the Non-commercial Organization “Fund for Entrepreneurship Support of the Republic of Tatarstan” and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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