13 october 2015

The joint work of residents of Technopark “Idea” gives new results. The cooperation of residents is one of the main directions that characterize the activity at the site of Technopark. Work in alliance enables a quick and more effectively and efficiently enter into domestic and international markets, as companies, working side by side, know each other more and better than the third-party companies.

One of the last large and complex projects is the joint work of companies “Eidos” and SmartHead: “desktop” software for the control of manipulators with functions of 3D-editor and a process monitoring system of machining.

The company “Eidos” has opened a Centre for Robotics in Naberezhnye Chelny, which is an engineering-production facility, specializing in the development of complete production systems — from computer simulation, manufacture of components and prototypes of robotic systems and equipment to subsequent technological implementation in the enterprise participants of the Kama Innovative Territorial Industrial Cluster.

A task of SmartHead was to develop software that will provide users with intermediate level of preparation a simple interface for control of complex robotic system in the form of a hexapod and/or a robotic arm of KUKA type. The whole hardware and software complex provides professionals the opportunity to engage in prototyping and debugging their own algorithms to control the robotic complex.

According to SmartHead the most interesting part of the project was the development of 3D-scene. For Flash there are several ready-made 3D-engines, which greatly simplify the development of 3D-applications. However, in this case, it had been brought with stringent requirements for the system performance: it had to allow working effectively with models, consisting of millions of points. Experiments were conducted with engines of Away3D and Flare3D. It became clear that their use is not advisable - for higher productivity is needed lower level of control. This level is provided by the technology Stage3D. It was decided to write their own 3D-engine based on Stage3D, taking into account the features of the application and functional requirements. This approach has added additional work – it was needed to re-write shaders for different types of visualization, as well as auxiliary modules to load models, camera control and other.

Features of the project:

1. Desktop (not WEB) software.

2. Develop their own 3D-editor that allows to visualize 3D-models, to manage its position, to build tracks (routes bypass) of the working tool.

3. The decision of mathematical and geometrical problems.

4. The long duration of the project.

5. The high degree of criticality of software errors.

6. Increased, in comparison with other projects, the requirements for ease of use interface.

We wish the residents success in working together. Do not stop there: amaze your clients and be the best in everything!

The press service of Technopark “Idea” based on materials of the company SmartHead

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