28 october 2015

International Forum of Innovative Development “Open Innovations” has been held in Moscow since 2012. This year a partner country of the Forum is Serbia; in 2014 it was China, in 2013 – Finland and France.

Each of the five days of the Forum is devoted to separate aspects of life and human activities, which fundamentally are influenced by modern technological processes - productivity, habitat, education, health and entertainment. A theme of the plenary session of this year is “The man at the crossroads of trends of the technological revolution”.

Guests of the Forum were the first persons of the federal executive authorities, heads of leading global companies, outstanding scientists and experts in the field of innovative business.

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev performed at the IV Moscow International Forum "Open innovations"

 “Everything will evolve, changes will be accumulated, we all the time will ask ourselves what to do in this situation - whether is to engage in active introduction of innovations or provide the economy just go with the flow? To interfere in these matters to the state, or to give all farmed out to private business? How to build a model of work, how to engage in the protection of inventions, including patenting? - said, in particular, Dmitry Medvedev. - The solutions must be a global sound, have a global character. You can build the best system, to adopt the ideal national laws, but the system will not work, because it will stumble on the global nature of communications, the global nature of the changes that occur in all branches of knowledge, in all industries. How to take care of this is really a challenge for all national governments”.

According to him, “the business environment in Russia is becoming more predictable, we have opportunities to invest in infrastructure, to create a more comfortable environment for innovation, to implement such projects, as “Skolkovo”, to engage in venture capital investing”.

The Prime Minister of Russia outlined several trends that, in his opinion, are important from the point of view of the interests of states and governments. The first is the restructuring of the labor market and increasing the creative component of the work. If automation, robotics, artificial intelligence systems will displace the low-skilled labor, in the first place will be that distinguishes man from a robot (or other, as we have just said here), it is the ability to imagine and create. This applies not only to engineers and programmers, but also for all creative professions. At the same time exclusive rights on inventions and developments, creative results should be guaranteed by legal decisions, including, by the way, supranational legal solutions.

The second is the coming into a new life of those generations that are literally born in the digital world. They are used to communicate in social networks, are accustomed to using digital technology. They spend on the Internet a significant part of the time, and therefore a huge amount of goods and services are purchased in this way. This must be taken into account in state practice.

The third is the breakthroughs in a number of most important technologies, including biomedicine. Today is changing not only social reality, but also are opening up new opportunities for improving human health. This must be paid great attention.

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