2 november 2015

About 30 of the leading universities of Japan during five years plan to start cooperation with the Kazan company “Eidos” which is the only Russian producer of virtual medical simulators. This was announced “Business Online” by CEO and co-owner of LLC “Eidos-Medicine” Lenar Valeev.

In October Juntendo Medical University, which is one of the oldest medical universities in Japan, have equipped its Simulation and Technology Center by equipment produced in Russia.

“We strive to make our project of Juntendo Simulation Center will be successful and show high efficiency. In this case, the project replication is possible in almost all universities in Japan, as Juntendo acts as a guide on the methodology of training doctors in Japan”, - said Lenar Valeev.

He said that the company has already not one but two partner projects. “There is including the RIKEN Institute — an analogue of our Academy of Sciences on the project of medical simulators and systems of operation rehearsal. It is an initiative of the Japanese side”, - said Mr. Valeev.

According to him, now Japan is ranked the second place after the United States in the biomedical market. “Usually it is 10 to 15 percent of the world market of biological and medical products. But in terms of our equipment - simulators - it is amazing, but the market is very small. Now together with Juntendo and RIKEN we want to change this situation, to implement completely new teaching methods that will be included in the standards of training. In this case, queries on our equipment will be significantly more”, - said the CEO of the company “Eidos-Medicine”.

As previously reported by Lenar Valeev, the first 15 Kazan simulators will form the basis of the Center at the Juntendo University. Previously, almost all medical simulators for Russian centers were purchased in the United States.

LLC “Eidos-Medicine” (also a resident of the Innovative Center “SKOLKOVO”) is the only Russian manufacturer of virtual medical simulators, is among the five leading developers of medical simulation equipment (Simbionix - USA, Laerdal Medical AS - Norway, CAE Healthcare - Canada, Virtamed - Switzerland).

Juntendo University is a private Japanese University, founded in 1838 as a Dutch medical school. The purpose of the University is education of doctors, who are well versed in the scientific and humanitarian aspects of medicine. The University has partnership agreements with 36 universities in 12 countries. With Russian universities formal cooperation agreements have not yet been signed.

RIKEN - Institute of Physical and Chemical Research - is a large research institute in Japan. It is almost fully funded by Government of Japan; its annual budget is about 88 billion yen ($760 million). RIKEN conducts researches in many fields of science: physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, technical and computer science.

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