3 november 2015

The Union of Innovation and Technological Centers of Russia (RUITC) adopted a new version of the Charter and identified the main areas of activity. Innovations were held in the framework of the General meeting of members of the Union, which took place on the 26 of October, 2015 in Moscow. The adoption of the new Charter is related to the mainstreaming activities. So, now considerable attention will be paid on the development of common approaches to the functioning of organizations of innovative infrastructure of support of small and medium-sized

Also members of the Board of Directors were elected at the meeting. In the list of candidates were the leaders of innovative companies, innovation and technological centers. By the end of the meeting the member of the Board of Directors of RUITC was elected CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko.

Note that the Union of ITC of Russia was established in 2000 with the aim to facilitate the development of innovative and technological centers of Russia. The network brings together the Russian technological centers, working with more than 1,500 companies, research organizations and universities in regions of the country. The members of the Union are working to bring innovative developments to the market products and to create start-up companies, to attract federal and regional support for this work.

The personal composition of the Board of Directors of the Union, in an amount not less than 5 and not more than 15 persons, is elected for a term of three years. The Board members are engaged in the adoption of common standards for the implementation of the functions (activity) of the organizations of infrastructure for support to small and medium-sized enterprises, and others.

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