9 november 2015

The 10th EU-China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair is being held these days in China.

The event, which is running from 4 to 12 November, 2015 in 3 cities of China, is attended by representatives of 31 countries. At the conference Russia is represented by officials of the Ministry of Economic Development, members of the Union of Innovation and Technology Centers of Russia, among them CEO of Technopark “Idea”, member of the Board of Directors of the Union of ITC of Russia Sergey Yushko, head of public organization “Young Innovative Russia” (abbr. “MIR”) Anna Bukhalo, representatives of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the participants of the Kama Innovative Cluster and the Nanotechnology Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan.

This year the exhibition-forum is devoted to the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the European Union. During the conference put forward the idea of the need to create small and medium-sized businesses in all areas of life. For this it is needed to use the inventive power of society. According to Sergey Yushko, the Chinese are going to introduce innovations in theory, in politics, in the organization of activities and new forms of services. They learn to use the experience and development of universities.

Experience of clusters is discussed at the forum. Representatives of the European Business and Innovation Centers Network (EBN) share their experience on the creation and management of high-tech clusters.

“China is creating conditions for development of small business. It is important for them that people of all ages will not afraid to risk and failure”, - said Sergey Yushko.

Anna Bukhalo takes active part in the business-mission. One of the activities of this organization, headed by her, is lobbying the interests of young scientists in government and in business. Also “MIR” oversees the activities of a network of Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity. Technopark “Idea” is actively working with “MIR” in this direction: in the Republican CYIC young and enterprising schoolchildren and students create their own designs, develop it and bring to the market.

For reference:

The EU-China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair is one of the biggest platforms for attracting investments and development of trade and technological cooperation. The participants of the event meet with representatives of more than 30 of the most competitive clusters of China, hold B2B meetings with about a thousand Chinese enterprises. Also for the participants is organized a dialogue with the heads of the 10 most important cities of Western China.

The business-mission to China is organized by the Union of Innovation and Technology Centers of Russia and the Russian Agency for support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the framework of cooperation in the global European network of business support Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

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