18 november 2015

State Corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)” announces the beginning of reception of applications for participation in a Competition on awarding “Development Prize” from Vnesheconombank in 2016.

“Development Prize” is awarded for outstanding achievements in the implementation of nationally significant investment and export projects.

The competition is held in the following nominations:
- The best infrastructure project;
- The best project in the industry;
- The best project for the integrated development of the territories;
- The best project of small and medium-sized enterprise;
- The best project in the field of innovation and high technologies;
- The best project in the field of ecology and “green” technologies;
- The best export project;
- The best project with the participation of foreign investment.
Applications for participation in the Competition will be accepted until 31 December, 2015.
The Competition conditions, requirements to projects - participants and performers, as well as the tender documents are available on the official website of the Contest (
The ceremony of awarding the winners of the Competition will be held at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2016.
In view of the above, please inform the residents of your site on the ongoing competition.
Information on the decision to participate in the Competition on the above nominations should be sent to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan until December 23, 2015 via email:


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