Today “SOVCOMBANK” has turned a quarter of a century!

27 november 2015

Resident of “Technopark “Idea” – operational center of “Sovcombank” today accepts congratulations on the occasion of the 25th birthday.

The story of its appearance in Technopark is connected with joining GE Money Bank, one of the first anchor residents of Technopark, to “Sovcombank” in February 2014.

Thus, the command of the operational center has become part of a regional financial institution with a wide branch network throughout Russia, including in Kazan. During this time, “Sovcombank” has gone from a small regional to large federal bank with state support, which is included in the TOP 30 Russian Banks.

The team of Technopark “Idea” congratulates “Sovcombank” on his birthday and wishes them prosperity, stability, loyal clients and reliable partners!


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