The II International Scientific School-Seminar “Energy-saturated materials of the XIX century. Technology of its production and application” was held in Kazan

7 december 2015

The II International Scientific School-Seminar “Energy-saturated materials of the XIX century. Technology of its production and application” for teachers, young scientists and graduate students was being held from 1 to 5 December, 2015 at Kazan National Research Technological University and Technopark “Idea”. The event, the direct organizers of which were the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology and the Center for the Development of Science, Technology and Education in the field of defense and security of the state, brought together more than eighty representatives of enterprises, scientific and educational organizations from all over Russia, including directors of leading enterprises of ammunition and special chemicals of the military-industrial complex of Russia. The scientific school is carried out jointly with the meeting of the Center for the Development of Science, Technology and Education in the field of defense and security of the state.

The work of the school was attended by leading scientists and specialists - practitioners in the field of technology of energy-saturated materials from Moscow, Samara, Murom, Tula, Cheboksary, Dzerzhinsk, Sergiyev Posad, Perm, Ulyanovsk, Aleksin, Biysk and other cities of Russia. Many of them are part of the Center for the Development of Science, Technology and Education in the field of defense and security of the state, created by KNRTU and uniting leaders of seventeen enterprises and organizations of the defense industry.

Interesting information about the latest Russian and foreign developments in the field of energy-saturated materials, obtained from the lectures and seminars of the school, effective communication with colleagues, industrialists and general designers – all this will allow participants to improve the efficiency of scientific research and commercialization of innovative developments, to improve the teaching of academic disciplines, to even deeper integrate into the Russian and international scientific and educational space, to strengthen the link with industry.

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