The IV Congress of nanoindustry enterprises was held in Moscow

6 december 2015

The IV Congress of the nanotechnology industry companies was held in Moscow at the International multimedia press center MIA “Russia today”. Its main theme was formulated as “technological entrepreneurship: current challenges and success factors”. Chairman of the Board of Management Company “RUSNANO” Anatoly Chubais performed at the opening of the Congress.

Leading experts of the nanotechnology industry performed at the plenary panel and six thematic sessions. The reports were devoted to the development of the nanotechnology industry in general, nanotechnology in pharmacology and medicine, in construction, issues of formation of the personnel system, the functioning of nanotechnology centers, as well as measures of the government support and international cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries in the field of nanotechnology.
The participants of discussions noted the necessity of consolidation of efforts of entrepreneurs, investors and the state in the current economic situation. Business representatives were invited to engage actively with the committees of ministries and legislative authorities for the purpose of more effective influence on the formation of regulations in their fields.
During the Congress, twenty Russian innovative companies received the right to the use of the sign “Russian nanotechnological production”, which confirms the quality and safety of goods, as well as that it is really made using nanotechnology. These companies are LLC “DSK Grad”, OOO “Hevel”, JSC “Uralplastic-N”, (Aramil, Sverdlovsk region), CJSC “Metaclay”, LLC “Galen”, JSC “Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant”, LLC “KorolevPharm”, LLC “YARA”, LLC “Virial”, LLC “StiS-Vladimir”, State company “Ruskompozit”, LLC “BT SWAP”, LLC “Scientific and Production Association  Petrovax Pharm”, JSC “Moscow IMET”, LLC “Scientific and Production Association “Factory Paints”, LLC “StiS-Voronezh”, LLC “SAP Nanotechnologies”, LLC “NanoTechCenter”, LLC “Green Light”, LLC “StiS –Krasnodar”.
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