Christmas real estate summit was held in Kazan

11 december 2015

The main event of the year in real estate of Tatarstan – Christmas Summit - was held today at the Korston Hotel & Mall.

At the traditional meeting of experts summed up the results of the Tatarstan real estate market in anticipation of the new economic period, presented the achievements and important projects of the industry.
Every year the Christmas Summit in Kazan gathers more than 300 players in the real estate market. Developers and builders, experts and independent consultants discuss the current situation and forecasts of market development in the conditions of new realities.
The experts discussed new trends in the field of creating comfortable urban environment, the fate of housing construction in Tatarstan and successful examples of redevelopment and refurbishment of facilities. Also there was presented at the summit blitz-up the development of the four key market segments – office, retail, industrial and residential properties.
The event was organized by Non-commercial Partnership “Russian Guild of Property Managers and Developers” and OJSC “Management Company “Idea Capital” - the Plenipotentiary representative of the Guild in the Republic of Tatarstan – spend Christmas Summit in Kazan in the fifth anniversary time. During its existence the Christmas Real Estate Summit has become a traditional platform for meeting of leading real estate developers of Tatarstan and discussion of forecasts of development of the industry in the coming year.
General sponsor of the Christmas Summit 2015 in Kazan is the insurance company “Ingosstrakh”. Official sponsor is the company “TransTechService” - dealer of Hyundai Equus in Tatarstan, the General partner is a subsidiary in the Republic of Tatarstan of PJSC “Rostelecom”. Partners: Industrial Park “M7”, Technopolis “Himgrad”, the independent management company of “Arenda-service Kazan”, a consulting company in real estate A-Development, the network of coffee houses “Shokoladnitsa”, “The first model workshop”.
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