Technopark “Idea” became the winner of the competition of the co-organizers of the activities of the University of Talents in nomination “Laboratory of Talent”

21 december 2015

The results of the open competition of the co-organizers of the activities of the University of Talents were summed up on December 19, 2015 in Kazan. The competition, established by Autonomous non-profit organization “Kazan Open University of Talents 2.0”, has received 55 applications from 11 cities of Tatarstan.

According to the results of the contest Innovative Technopark “Idea” became the winner in the nomination “Laboratory of Talent”.

“Laboratory of Talent” is a resource platform for the development of scientific creativity and design, applied research of the youth of Tatarstan under the guidance of effective mentors.

The victory in the competition gives an opportunity for Technopark “Idea” in partnership with the University of Talents to help young people in finding the most optimal ways to develop their talents and their integration into socio-economic life of Tatarstan.

Note that the contest was held within the framework of the state program “Strategic talent management in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2015 – 2020”.

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