6,936 batteries were gathered by the residents of Technopark “Idea”

25 december 2015

The results of the action for the collection of batteries among resident companies have been summed up today in Technopark “Idea”.

The action started on December 15, 2015 and only for the first day was collected about 100 batteries.
Total for the action, which ended December 24, 2015, employees of resident companies passed 6,936 batteries. This means that we are already saved 13,872 trees, 13,872 moles, 6,936 hedgehogs and approximately 6,936,000 earthworms (!!!). Note that 13,872 trees are almost 4 times more trees than in all areas of Bahrain.
According to the results of the action there should be determined one winner – the company that passed the largest number of batteries. But due to the fact that the gap to the leader from the runner-up was small, there was decided to reward the company, which took second place.
Thus there were revealed the two leaders:
1. RK “Development Idea”, whose employees passed 2,316 batteries.
2. Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan – 2,096 batteries.
As a reward for significant contribution and for caring about the environment, both companies will receive two-meter Christmas trees.
Technopark “Idea” congratulates the residents on a Happy New Year and thanks all participants of the contest: companies SmartHead (414 batteries), Center for Research and Development “Informatica” (403 batteries), Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan (387 batteries), the technology division of “Sovcombank” (314 batteries), the team of  LLC “Eidos-robotics” (303 batteries), Metrological Center “STP” (208 batteries), young and enthusiastic guys from “Ai-Pi group” who passed the 168 batteries, Technopark “Sigma” (47 batteries), “AST Volga region” (37 batteries), Digital systems (35 batteries), “Modern Internet Technologies” (30 batteries), “Eidos-Medicine” (23 batteries), “Complex IT” (21 batteries).
The action was attended also by employees of Technopark “Idea” who took the batteries out of the competition.
We ask all participants to remain as active and initiative: ahead of the New Year and many new interesting joint projects!
Good luck, good health, happiness and new victories in the New 2016!
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