Presentation of a project of creation in Tatarstan of Innovative and Production Center “Innokam” was held within the Gaidar Forum-2016

15 january 2016

The project of creation on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan territorially detached Innovation and Production Center “Innokam” was presented on January 14, 2016 at one of panel discussions of Gaidar Forum-2016.

The event was attended by President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) Vladimir Mau was moderator of the discussion.

The following topics were discussed: the prospects for the implementation of the social and economic policy of the Republic of Tatarstan in terms of the Strategy-2030: development of the Kama agglomeration as a growth point of the domestic economy; development of the transport infrastructure using the example of the Kama agglomeration of the Republic of Tatarstan: current emphasis and priorities;  access to raw materials and the preservation of the competitiveness of petrochemical complex of the Volga region and Western Siberia: development prospects of the investment project for the transportation of natural gas liquids “Yamal-Volga”.

Participants of the panel discussion were told that the project of creation conception of territorially detached Innovation and Production Center “Innokam” was developed by the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Kama agglomeration is one of the main economic zones for the development of internal space in the Republic of Tatarstan, as long as in Kazan and Almetievsk economic zones. So, the Kama agglomeration is 1 million people or 26% of the population of the Republic of Tatarstan, creation of more than 26% of the gross regional product, 43% of industrial and 17% of agricultural production of the Republic of Tatarstan, more than 40% of the investments of the Republic of Tatarstan, there is produced 54% of the Russian polymers, 42% of Russia’s synthetic rubbers, every second Russian cargo vehicle, every third tyre. Today, for the further development of the Kama industrial zone it is necessary to develop the existing infrastructure – transport, energy, engineering.

The purpose of the concept of territorially detached Innovation and Production Center “Innokam” is the creation of Russia's best innovation and production center on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan through the development of industrial and high-tech clusters and the formation of stable structure transport frame of the Kama agglomeration, transformation of accumulated industrial and technological potential in high quality of life of the population.

Addressing the participants of the panel discussion, the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov thanked the Russian Government, sectoral federal ministries for supporting the initiative of Tatarstan, which considers essential the creation of the project that aimed to further integrated development of the territory “Innokam”.

According to him, the implementation of the project “Innokam” will allow to remove existing infrastructure constraints, to create a platform for economic growth.

“Innokam” will become a new growth point for our economy, will give the opportunity to create new businesses and new jobs, - said Rustam Minnikhanov. – Today it is important to find such “growth points” to earn money, to create added value in the country”.

For reference:

The VII Gaidar Forum is taking place from 13 to 15 January, 2016 in Moscow, at the site of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). The main theme of the forum is “Russia and the World: a look into the future”.

Press service of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

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