Dear residents of Technopark “Idea”!

2 february 2016

The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere is holding a competition “Commercialization”.

The competition is aimed at providing grants in the form of grants for financial support of costs associated with the implementation of innovative projects, the results of which have the prospect of commercialization, with the exception of expenses on performance of research, developmental and technological works.

The purpose of the contest is to provide financial support to small innovative companies that have completed the R&D and planning to start or expand production of innovative products. In the result of the project, the company should significantly improve the volume of sales of innovative products and increase the number of jobs.

Grants are provided to small innovative companies who have passed the competitive selection for the right to receive the grant in the amount of not more than 15 million rubles, assuming 100% co-financing from own and (or) attracted funds of third parties.

The competition is open to entrepreneurs without legal entity and legal entities operating for at least one year that meet the criteria for classification as a small business entity in accordance with the Federal Law of 24.07.2007 No. 209-FZ, have submitted applications with the necessary documents in the information system of the Foundation.

Enterprise should have its own scientific, technical and financial story, to occupy its niche in the market. Special attention will be given to the enterprises, the most promising in terms of import substitution and increasing domestic demand.

Evaluation of projects is conducted according to the following criteria: scientific and technical level of a product, underlying the project; the prospect of implementation, commercial realization of the product; socio-economic effect from implementation of the project.

At the heart of the project should be based on a qualified situational analysis of the market and a well-researched business plan. Projects should include clearly set out the scientific and technical component, based on intellectual property, belonging to a small entity-applicant. The project should be set out ways and means of commercialization of scientific ideas, as well as the commercial impact of the project.

Contact persons for the competition:

Sergey Kukushkin +7 (495) 231-19-06  #182,;

Maxim Kurapov +7 (495) 231-19-06  #181,

Applications will be accepted until March 20, 2016.

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