Today Technopark “Idea” is 12 years old

5 february 2016

More than 500 new companies and more than 8,000 new jobs have been created by the resident companies; these are brief results of the 12-year-old activity of Technopark “Idea”.

“Idea” is the first Russian Technopark, which was opened on February 5, 2004. According to the estimates of domestic and foreign experts, it became a pioneer in the Russian Federation, a unique federal training platform. It stimulated the creation of Technoparks and Business Incubators in other regions of Russia.

Today 104 resident companies have localized in Technopark with the total number of employees of 2,162 people.

By the end of 2015 the total volume of manufactured products, including exterritorial residents of Technopark, has amounted to 7 billion 918 million rubles. There is 30.4% (2 billion 409 million rubles) of nanotechnology products in the total volume of produced goods.

2015 was marked by the signing of several agreements.

An agreement on cooperation with the Guangdong Association for Science & Technology (GDSTA) (China) was signed in June. Currently, there is being conducting research on the use of carbon nanotubes as additives in automobile tires, batteries, composite materials and other. The addition of even a fraction of a percent of nanotubes improves existing properties of existing materials, as well as adds new ones. So, for example, carbon fiber becomes a conductor of electricity that allows to paint the carbon fiber parts by the usual method.

An agreement with the Minsk City Technopark was signed in July. Under the signed agreement, the parties shall cooperate in the implementation of joint scientific and technical projects and programs, the transfer of technology from university and academic sectors of science in the industrial sector.

In December Nanotechnology Center (CJSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea” and LLC “Center of Technology Transfer”) has sold its share in an international pharmaceutical project. The project company “Nanopharma Development” was jointly created by LLC “Izvarino Pharma” and the Nanotechnology Center with the participation of international partner — the Swiss company Ferring Pharmaceuticals.

The project on creation of drugs for the treatment of cancer, HIV infection, and drugs necessary for organ transplants is focused on the development of medicines based on the use of nanoparticles - it delivers molecules of the active compound “aiming” at the right body to minimize the side effects and increase the effectiveness of drugs. The second direction is the development and production of drugs for the treatment of cancer, drugs used in transplantation and in diseases related to HIV infection. At the moment, it has already been developed and submitted for the state registration of the drug for the treatment of leukemia “Imatinib”, as well as “Takrolimus” – the drug needed to therapy after transplantation of organs and tissues. In total, within the project there will be made up to 10 innovative drugs. There was purchased automated production line that does not require personnel contact with the drugs with the support of the Nanocenter for this project.

Recall that Technopark implements a business model that involves the presence of anchor residents and small innovative companies from the level of Start-up to Expansion. The anchor residents (technological departments of major international brands) provide Technopark financial stability, increase its attractiveness for new customers and determine its specialization.

“Idea” is an example of the implementation of a public-private partnership in the field of the development of innovation infrastructure, focused on small and medium-sized, including high-tech business.

In 2010, Technopark was fully repaid for the Republic on the invested funds. With the participation of “Idea” Tatarstan has won a number of federal programs and competitions: Technopark in the sphere of high technologies, Federal Business Incubator, Nanotechnology Center, Technopolis “Himgrad”. Today Technopark “Idea” has cooperated with the key Russian development institutions: OJSC “Russian Venture Company”, OJSC “RUSNANO”, Fund “SKOLKOVO”, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere (FASIE). Kama Industrial Park “Master” and Technopark “Idea-Yugo-Vostok” were built by Technopark together with the large private companies of OJSC “KAMAZ” and OJSC “Tatneft” respectively.

Technopark “Idea” is actively implementing the experience of global best practices through the performance assessment tools used by the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) for Russian technoparks. Becoming the full member of the European Network in 2010, Technopark was the only Russian Technopark accredited in EBN within three years.  In 2013, Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok and Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator (KRITBI) became full members of EBN with the participation of Technopark “Idea”.

In January 2015, with the assistance of “Idea” Technopark of Yugra became the full member of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network.

Technopark “Idea” participates in the annual researches, conducted by EBN, and passes the annual certification, proving its effectiveness. In 2015, Technopark has been accredited for the fifth time in the European Network.

Active work is being done with the younger generation.

If at the beginning of its way Technopark “Idea” was the area where ideas were being implemented, now it is also a platform where young innovators are being trained.

In 2008, the Center of Construction and Robotics was organized for pupils of 5-9 classes by Technopark together with partner LLC “Innovative solutions in education”.

At the classes of the center pupils get knowledge about the techniques that are used in the modern world of science, engineering and design. Students develop, assemble and program completely functional models of robots. They learn how to behave as young scientists, carrying out simple researches, counting and measuring behavior, writing down and representing their results. The guys demonstrate their achievements at various robotics festivals. Since 2011 Technopark has been conducting within its walls a traditional Republican Robotics Festival. For 5 years it has been attended by about 400 students from different cities and regions of Tatarstan.

The students of middle school are engaged in the Center for Youth Innovation Creativity “Idea”, which was opened in Technopark in February 2013 and became the first such center in Russia. Now the Republic has the whole network of CYIC. By the end of 2015 CYIC network of Tatarstan is recognized as the largest and most successful in Russia.

Senior pupils and students do not remain without attention of Technopark. In particular, a contest “Erudite” has been held for high school students since 2008. 2,650 students have participated for 7 years. In 2015, the competition brought together more than 300 participants. In 2011, Technopark “Idea” established nomination “IQ-nano”, which promotes interest in nanotechnology, nanomaterials and nanosystems, and motivate students to deepen and expand knowledge about modern trends of development of the interdisciplinary field of fundamental and applied science and technology. Annually for three years participants, who showed the highest erudition in the field of nanotechnology, were being awarded with special high-tech prizes from the organizer of the nomination.

For students there is a Program of Innovative Projects “Idea-1000”, which was organized in Tatarstan in 2006 by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere, Technopark “Idea” and the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2015, 105 applications were submitted to participate in the program.

According to the results of the two stages 30 winning projects have been selected in the category “START-I” and 1 project winner in the category “START-II”. Total funding of the winners of 2015 will be about 64 million rubles.

2,324 applications have been accepting for the contest “Idea-1000” during the period from 2006-2015 years. During the same period 485 projects have been accepting by the Advisory Council for the funding for a total amount of about 751 million rubles.

12 years. Facts and figures.

We are the 1st Russian Technopark – the member of the European Network which included 153 innovation centers in 37 countries.

We are in the TOP 15 best-in-class business and innovation centers in the world.

More than 8,000 jobs have been created by residents on our site for 12 years.

More than 500 companies have grown on our site.

28 years is the average age of employees of resident companies of Technopark.

15-20% is exceeding the average level of wage in the area of Technopark in relation to the Republic.

About 400 million rubles in taxes every year goes to the budget of the Republic from Technopark site.

In 2010, we were fully repaid off for Tatarstan on the invested funds.

Such federal projects were implemented with our participation in the Republic:

Technopark in the sphere of high technologies;

Federal Business Incubator;

Nanotechnology Center;

Centers for Youth Innovation Creativity.

Our anchor residents are technological departments of major global brands.

Our company-graduates are competitive on the global market and supply high-tech equipment of its own production to the markets of Europe and USA.

10% of natural gas in Europe is sold through metering units, designed by the resident companies of Technopark.

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