Pulsar Venture Capital is 7 years old!

17 february 2016

Today, Pulsar Venture Capital creates the conditions for the implementation of innovative projects, developing science-intensive technology companies.

For many years Technopark “Idea” and Pulsar Venture Capital have been creating a lot of projects.

In 2015, Pulsar Venture Capital in partnership with Technopark launched two accelerator programs. At the beginning of last year, dozens of projects have passed through Kazan BootCamp, and after Pulsar took the oil and gas startups from all over Russia.

April 20, 2015 in the framework of the Kazan Venture Fair, Pulsar VC in cooperation with Russian Venture Company, RUSNANO, the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as Cisco Company, launched the program of Kazan Boot Camp. The best innovative projects in two areas: IT (information technology) and Industrial (industrial and hardware innovations), were selected on the basis of the results of an expert session to participate in the Kazan Boot Camp. Experts from 500 Startups (USA), AppCampus (Finland), Startupbootcamp (Denmark), Guinness Enterprise Centre (Ireland), Golden Gate Ventures (Singapore) and others came to train Russian startups. The accelerator was ended by pitch session as part of the X Kazan Venture Fair. We are pleased that one of the venues for the event you chose us.

In 2015, we all together watched the success story of domestic start-up Vendi, a portfolio company of Pulsar Venture Capital, which in August was selected by Singaporean accelerator Telstra. Vendi has been creating software for vending systems that automatically collects order information in the cloud, and allows users to make purchases through the app.

The team of Technopark “Idea” congratulates you and wishes new projects, ideological entrepreneurs and conquering the highest peaks!

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