The first race of quadrocopters will be in Kazan

19 february 2016

A battle of air drones and a master class in control of drones will be held on the 21st of February, 2016 from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm in Technopolis “Himgrad”.

The race of quadrocopters (drone racing) is a young, increasingly popular worldwide sport. The task of the participants of unusual competition is to show the perfect possession of electronic aircraft and go the distance, complicated by obstacles in the shortest possible time.

Viewers of the First Kazan Festival of Drone Racing will not only enjoy the competition, but also to compete for the main prize along with professionals of the electronic piloting.

Attendance and participation in the battle of drones are free. The participation of children must be accompanied by adults. Pre-registration are required on the website:

Mass media accreditation by tel.: 8-965-580-18-45 (Regina Sharapova)

The event program

00:30 pm Registration of participants

1:00 pm Brief theoretical excursus. Demonstration flights. A game “Pilots against spectators: Shoot down quadrocopter by balloon”

1:15 pm Qualifying flights, training

1:45 pm Master classes: piloting quadrocopters

2:00 pm Competitions on mini quadcopters: the passage of the obstacle on time, delivery of goods by drone, the battle for airspace.

3:00 pm Copter-bowling

3:10 pm Freestyle on quadrocopters. Flips, stunts

3:30 pm FPV Drone racing, final flights

Press service of Technopolis “Himgrad”


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