Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum 2016 has completed its work

20 february 2016

Today, February 20, 2016, Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum 2016 has completed its work.

The sites of the forum were attended by more than 6,000 people from 28 countries and 60 regions of Russia. A key issue of the Krasnoyarsk Forum was a discussion of the development Strategy of the country in the period until 2030.

Work of round tables and discussion forums were attended by the Deputy Chairman of the RF Government Arkady Dvorkovich, the Ministers of the Russian Government, Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Nikolai Rogozhkin, representatives of the regions, scientific and business circles. The delegation of the Republic of Tatarstan was headed by Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov at the Forum.

In the third day of the Forum the country’s Strategy until 2030 considered through the prism of tactics. Business program of the final day of the Forum started with a round table “Strategy of development of housing and communal services 2020: Public-private partnership as a driver for industry modernization”. Parallel there were held brainstorming sessions, devoted to the state strategic planning, the drivers of innovative development, as well as major long-term projects in the field of tourism.

The forum participants discussed at the special panel discussions the prospects of the financial sector, the future of universities and the media sphere, as well as the development of innovative infrastructure of Russian regions. In addition, within the framework of the third day of the Forum a concept of the Strategy of the Krasnoyarsk region was presented, which the region is currently developing.

Dean of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO Andrei Sharonov, summing up the work of discussion platforms, held in the framework of the third day of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, where were discussed issues of increase of improving the efficiency of the state, expressed the idea that the future development strategy of the country can not only be a product of the Government, and it should be prepared on the basis of consensus.

A theme of the main plenary session of the day was “Subjects and development institutions. What is to be done in 2016-2018 to achieve the targets of the 2030?”

State Secretary- Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Oleg Fomichev, speaking at the plenary session, focused the attention of participants of the discussion on the fact that the developed Strategy of Russia may not reach the original objectives at the implementation stage, if the document does not cover all areas in need of development and transformation. To great extent failures in the implementation of the previous strategies were the fact that they were confined only in the framework of the improvement of the socio-economic model.

At the plenary meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that globally Russia should be focused on the occupation of new niches in the global market. It must become a more economically strong player, this requires regional integration, improving relations with partners and the maintenance of the existing foreign policy role.

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