Technopark “Idea” was awarded a letter of thanks for the action of collecting batteries

26 february 2016

Volga region environmental company expressed gratitude Technopark “Idea” for the manifestation of environmental awareness. Technopark passed waste batteries, collected from residents of “Ideas”, in the environmental company.

Recall that the action for the collection of batteries was being held from 15 to 24 December 2015 in Technopark “Idea”. Total for the action employees of resident companies passed 6,936 batteries. This means that we are already saved 13,872 trees, 13,872 moles, 6,936 hedgehogs and approximately 6,936,000 earthworms (!!!). Note that 13,872 trees are almost 4 times more trees than in all areas of Bahrain.
According to the results of the action there should be determined two leaders who received as a present of two-meter Christmas trees.

Note that in addition to the Volga region environmental company batteries were put for recycling in project engineering and environmental company “Ecoprof”.

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