Dear residents of Technopark “Idea”!

29 february 2016

Four years ago, an Autonomous non-profit organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects” (hereinafter - the Agency) started implementing a National entrepreneurial initiative (NPI), designed to radically improve conditions for doing business in the country. For the first time in the modern history of Russia the entrepreneurs worked on the “road maps” (action plans to improve the business climate of the Russian Federation) together with authorities and expert community.

Within the framework of the NPI 11 “road maps” have been developed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. It includes specific normative and legal acts, designed to simplify doing business in our country. Innovations in the framework of the “road maps” have touched almost all important business areas, including the acceleration and cheapening of the procedures for connecting to power grids, registration of legal entities and property rights, construction, customs regulation, access to procurement by state companies, etc. There have been already taken more than 90% of the required normative-legal acts on the “roadmaps”; work on the preparation of the remaining documents is being actively pursued.

The Agency in accordance with the list of instructions for the implementation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation organizes the monitoring of the application in the subjects of the Russian Federation normative legal acts, issued in order to implement the “road maps”. Real benefits of the promulgated laws and the activities, or lack thereof, is able to fully assess the only entrepreneur who daily as part of his work is faced with administrative barriers and sees whether it has now become easier, cheaper and faster to do business.

In this regard, the Agency invites entrepreneurs to participate in the analysis of the effectiveness of measures taken to improve the investment climate. To conduct the survey in the network “Internet” in the online there has been prepared electronic questionnaires in the following directions of the road maps:

  • “Improvement of access to energy infrastructure”;
  • “Development of competition and improvement of antimonopoly policy”;
  • “Support of access to foreign markets and export support”;
  • “Improvement of customs administration”; “Improvement of the quality of public services in the field of state cadastral registration of immovable property and state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it”;
  • “Expansion of access of small and medium-sized enterprises to the procurement of infrastructure monopolies and companies with state participation”;
  • “Optimization of the procedures for the registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”;
  • “Improvement of the quality of the regular business environment”;
  • “Improvement of legal regulation of urban development activities and improvement of business climate in construction”;
  • “Improvement of tax administration”;
  • “Improvement of the evaluation activities”.

You can fill out the questionnaires at the following address: investklimat.rf (http://xn--80adjkclhjd6blf.xn--p1ai/en/). The survey will be from 15 February to 15 March 2016. Dear entrepreneurs, your evaluation of the work of the authorities at federal and regional levels is very important to us to reduce the number and cost of administrative procedures. The survey is strictly anonymous. Its results will be used in aggregate form and placed in the public domain. Analytical deliverables will be submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation and used to improve the existing situation. Your opinion is very important to us!

The autonomous non-profit organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects”

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