Russian Technoparks – 2015: results and prospects

28 february 2016

Association of Clusters and Technoparks has presented an industry overview “Technoparks of Russia – 2015”, reflecting the current state of the objects of innovation infrastructure. The review was prepared by a team of the Association with the participation of a number of industry experts with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Ministry of Communications of Russia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia and the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia.

This review covers the various features of the establishment and development of Russian technoparks, data about existing and upcoming industrial parks, shows the history of creation and development of technoparks in the Russian Federation, there is given the current legal framework for the establishment and development of technoparks at the federal and regional levels, there is presented the proposals of the subjects of the Russian Federation to improve efficiency of functioning of technoparks. Also, the overview reflects the main requirements of the National Standard of technology parks, developed by the Association of Clusters and Technoparks.

The article presents data on 71 objects of innovative infrastructure of the 30 subjects of the Russian Federation. Just at the moment of the review 68% of the objects have the status of existing and 32% of generated. Industry report contains detailed information about 54 industrial parks, reporting on its activities to the Association. Also the overview provides information on the seven technoparks which have passed the accreditation by the Association of Clusters and Technoarks.

The Association of Clusters and Technoparks presented averages of technoparks in the review. On a number of key indicators Technopark “Idea” (the number of resident companies, the number of employees in resident companies, the volume of output by residents of Technopark) exceeds the average of Russian technopark.

You can download the review here.

Press service of Technopark “Idea” according to the materials of the Association of Clusters and Technoparks

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