FASIE completes the reception of applications for the competition “Commercialization” on the 20th of March, 2016

10 march 2016

According to the press service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan applications will be accepted until 23:30 (GMT) on the 20th of March 2016.

The purpose of the contest is to provide financial support to small innovative companies in the amount of 15 million rubles on the assumption of 100% co-financing from extra-budgetary funds, which have completed the R&D stage and are planning to create or expand production of innovative products.

Following enterprises can take part in the competition:

  • Enterprises, relating to small companies under Federal Law No. 209-FZ of 24.07.2007;
  • Enterprises, which do not have open contracts with the FASIE.

Priority is given to the following enterprises:

  • which successfully manufacture products;
  • which have a positive economic and financial history;
  • which are planning to expand production;
  • which have confirmed demand;
  • which are recommended by the executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • which implement import substitution projects;
  • which are participants of innovative territorial clusters.

It should be noted that:

  • in the case of not providing the required documents, an application will be rejected on formal criteria;
  • scanned originals of an extract, as well as the extract in the form of electronic document signed with electronic digital signature, are accepted as the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, issued earlier than 6 months before the date of filing of the application for the competition, and electronic certificates, generated from the website of the Federal Tax Service, are not accepted;
  • it is recommended to purchase no more than 30% of foreign equipment and components of the grant amount. In case of exceeding the limit it is required an additional justification for purchases of foreign equipment and components. The list of Russian analogues of the process equipment is presented on the website of the Russian Association of Machine Tool Manufacturers (http://stankoinstrument.ru);
  • in the case of expenditure planning for the acquisition of intellectual property rights, will require detailed justification of the need and value of this acquisition;
  • if a small innovative company earlier won the FASIE programs, it is obliged to submit a certificate of commercial results obtained in the previous project supported by the FASIE.

You can apply through the automated system Fund-M at the following address: http://online.fasie.ru. In the case of technical problems in the system operation Fund-M, please contact the technical support: support@fasie.ru tel: +7 (495) 231-19-06 ext. 196.

Contact person for the contest:

Sergey Kukushkin kukushkin@fasie.ru;

Maxim Kurapov kurapov@fasie.ru.

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