Dear residents of Technopark “Idea”!

11 march 2016

"Enterprise Factory" invites to take part in the conference "Business Practices 2016: how to build a business in a new environment", which will be held March 12, 2016 in
entertainment center "Riviera".

The project experts and the conference speakers, leading entrepreneurs of Kazan and Tatarstan, will talk about their path in entrepreneurship and principles of work in a changing environment.

The speakers of the event:

Alexander Kravtsov, President of the group of companies “Ruyan” and the owner of the brand “Expedition”;

Aidar Bulatov, venture investor, doctor of economic sciences, Chairman of the Board of Directors of group of companies “Bulatov group” (Restaurant and entertainment complex “Tugan avylym”, restaurants “Art-coffee”, “Izyum”, “Yakitoriya”, cafe chain “Yokoso” in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan);

Artem Kogdanin, director of a company for the production of LED lamps “LEDEL”;

Aidar Ismagilov, the founder of the largest network of car washes “Moidodyr” and co-owner of points of the tire “5th koleso” (more than 150 sites throughout Russia);

Sergey Shubin, co-owner of the company “Avtoliga” (7 technical centers for maintenance of vehicles in the city of Kazan);

Artem Zakharov, the founder of “Franchising 5” and “BizBrand”;

Marat Chibishev, the owner of the company “Russian rabbit”.

The conference will be attended by entrepreneurs who already have their own business, and those who are just planning to start a business. A new set on the "Enterprise Factory" will be announced in the framework of the conference.

Date and time of the event: March 12, 2016, 12:00-16:00.

Venue: the concert hall “Hermitage”, the 1st floor, entertainment center "Riviera", 1B, Prospect F. Amirkhana, Kazan.

Attention! Participation in the conference is free of charge. The organizers recommend to arrive early for pre-registration.

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