Nanotechnology Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan is a platform for cooperation between SMEs and large businesses

16 march 2016

March 15, 2016 CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko met with members of the Nanotechnology Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan and companies interested in the membership.

The meeting was attended by heads of companies specialized in the field of automation of manufacturing technology and making the greatest contribution to the development of nanotechnology (based on the results of data reports). Among the participants of the meeting are General Director of Engineering and Innovation  Center “Tehnomir” Igor Yeldashev, General Director of Scientific and Technical Center “HimArt” Vitaly Fedorenko, Chief Engineer, First Deputy General Director of Scientific and Production Enterprise “GKS” Ilya Yumankin, Director of “Metrology Center “STP” Marat Khabibullin, Director of LLC “Pee Wee Es” Yaroslav Zhelonkin and others.

Sergey Yushko told about the main activities of the cluster and job prospects. The participants of the meeting noted the relevance of such communities and admitted in the presence of a certain communication barrier between small companies. “We have partners, but sometimes we go through Moscow colleagues even on the Kazan companies”, - said they. Also the participants were interested in the benefits that can provided by the cluster and activity of the community on the scale of the republic and the country.

Sergey Yushko noted that the members of the cluster can share the unique competences, to find partners among the cluster members, to share success stories and to establish mutually beneficial contacts. He also noted that there are examples of successful collaboration between the residents of Technopark “Idea” and Technopark will share this experience with the members of the cluster.

Recall that a decree about creation of Innovative Territorial Cluster in the field of nanotechnology was signed by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov on 20 December 2014. The cluster was created for the innovative development of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the introduction of advanced technologies in the real sector of the economy, create high-tech jobs and increase productivity.

Technopark “Idea” is a specialized organization, carrying out methodological, organizational, informational and expert-analytical support of the development of the Innovative Territorial Cluster.


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