Dear residents of Technopark “Idea”!

17 march 2016

Meeting of the Club of region exporters will be held in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan on the 17th of March 2016.

The meeting of the Club will be attended by t Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Artem Zdunov, General Director of “Fund for Support of Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Tatarstan” Andrey Afonin, head of the Center for Export Support of the Republic of Tatarstan Ulyana Anufrieva, representatives of the business community and the public of the region.

The work plans of the Center for Export Support of the Republic of Tatarstan will be presented to the Club members at the discussion, as well as the new features of the updated website of the institution will be showcased. The meeting participants will discuss the issue of creating a single export directory of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Invited experts also will perform at the Club meeting. Director of the national brand “Made in Russia” Mikhail Sadchenkov will present the project Made in Russia – a new tool for the collective promotion of exporters in new markets. Director of SMEs support organization “Russian Export Center” Boris Igoshin will talk about the export support instruments that are implemented at the federal level. Ilya Kretov, Marketing Director of eBay Russia, will speak about the opportunities provided by foreign electronic platform for Russian producers.

Venue: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan

Address: 18, Pushkina str., Kazan

Time: 10:30 am -1:30 pm

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