Scientific and practical conference with participation of representatives of company- anchor resident of Technopark “Idea” was held in KNRTU-KCTI

12 march 2016

On the 10th of March, 2016 the scientific and practical conference "Modern technologies of automation and control instrumentation of Yokogawa company” was held in the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU-KCTI). Traditionally, representatives of the company Yokogawa Electric Corporation have awarded the winners of a competition of student research papers.

CEO of “Yokogawa Electric CIS” Vladimir Savelyev, Director of the branch office in Kazan (anchor resident of Technopark “Idea”) Alexey Anokhin and head of training center “Yokogawa” in Zelenograd Igor Volkov arrived to meet with the students. The Chairman of the conference Organizing Committee, Director of the Institute of Control, Automation and Information Technologies of KNRTU Rustam Nurgaliyev welcomed the participants from the university.

– Thank you very much for inviting me to such serious conference, all works are very interesting. Today Tatarstan is really a leader in moving forward in the training of young people. We are very pleased that you follow us; young people are educated and literate. We will try to help your university and department, we will try to continue to supply you with modern equipment and software products, – said Vladimir Saveliev to the conference participants, the students and teachers of KNRTU.

Director of Yokogawa company also added that the KAZAN National Research Technological University is one of the leading technological universities in the country. Thanks to the leadership of the republic and of the university students come prepared for the real production and have the necessary skills to work with modern equipment.

During the scientific and practical conference the company’s representatives and KNRTU teachers introduced students to new solutions in the construction of modern information management systems of the company, listened to reports of students-finalists of the contest of scientific papers and awarded the best of them. The Organizing Committee of the conference and the composition of the jury of the competition also included the Dean of the Department of Control and Automation Renat Zaripov, head of the Department “Automated systems for collecting and processing information” Rustem Gainullin and head of the Department of ST Nadir Ziyatdinov.

Cooperation of the university with world-known corporation in the field of training for petrochemical industries has been continuing for many years, including in the framework of the cooperation protocol, signed by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and Head of Yokogawa Electric Corporation Takashi Nishijima. For several years the company has opened in KNRTU three laboratories in the field of automation of industrial processes, including in the Lyceum-boarding school for gifted children named after P.A. Kirpichnikov with profound studying of chemistry and Nizhnekamsk branch of the university (NCTI). The company’s employees actively participate in the scientific and educational process, encourage the best students.

The company’s representatives with great interest listened to the reports, asked clarifying questions and were pleased with the high level of student research.

For example, bachelor Alina Yakupova has acquainted the participants of the conference with the work of modern compact mixed signal oscilloscope DLM 4000, noting that the students of the university have the opportunity to use the most modern equipment, including devices that are not yet implemented in production.

Bachelor Marcel Sharafiyev told about the principle of operation and maintenance of vortex flowmeters. Graduate student Maria Yakovleva has developed methodical instructions for laboratory works for the study of open control system on the basis of network Stardom. Postgraduate Ruslan Kutepov told about the integration of two control systems (emergency protection ProSafe-RS and distributed control system CENTIUM VP). A group of masters (Dinara Abdullina, Maria Gainullina, Nikita Kotov, Timur Sattarov and Imran Agakhanov) has developed a virtual laboratory stand for the study of the static and dynamic characteristics of regulated entities.

It should be noted that all of these studies were accompanied by the writing of methodological works, which will be used in the educational process.


The winners of the contest received diplomas and were awarded cash prizes from the company Yokogawa.


The press service of KNRTU

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