The average salary of employees of resident companies of “Idea” is 20% higher than the level of wages in Tatarstan

8 april 2016

Technopark “Idea” creates a comfortable environment for human capital development and provides benefits to small innovative companies.

From 2007 to 2015 non-monetary contribution of Technopark in the development of innovative companies amounted to 237 million rubles. Budgetary efficiency during this period (in terms of volume of personal income tax and contributions to non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation) on the site of Technopark amounted to 2 billion rubles.

Also according to the method of calculation, approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the social profitability of the company in 2015 amounted to 35 million rubles, and social efficiency (the ratio of social profitability in the reporting year to social profitability in the previous year) is equal to 260%. The annual growth of added value is expected to reach 2 million rubles; the annual economic efficiency (the growth of value added to production output (goods, services)) is about 2%.

Today 104 resident companies have localized in Technopark with the total number of employees of 2,162 people. The average salary of employees is 35,204 rubles, which is 20% higher than the level of wages in Tatarstan.

By the end of 2015 the total volume of manufactured products, including exterritorial residents of Technopark, has amounted to 7 billion 918 million rubles. There is 30.4% (2 billion 409 million rubles) of nanotechnology products in the total volume of produced goods.

Technopark “Idea” is actively implementing the experience of global best practices through the performance assessment tools used by the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) for Russian technoparks. Becoming the full member of the European Network in 2010, Technopark for three years was the only Russian Technopark accredited in EBN.  In 2013, Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok and Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator (KRITBI) became full members of EBN with the participation of Technopark “Idea”, and Technopark “Idea” made the list of the Top 15 European Business and Innovation Centers. In January 2015, with the assistance of “Idea” the full member of EBN also has received Technopark of Yugra.

Technopark “Idea” participates in the annual researches, conducted by EBN, and passes the annual certification, proving its effectiveness. In 2015, Technopark has been accredited for the fifth time in the European Network. 

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