Tatarstan teams took all winning places in the competition of WorldSkills Russia in the competence “Entrepreneurship”

13 april 2016

From 7 to 9 April 2016 the exhibition center “Kazan Fair” became the venue of the Championship of the Republic of Tatarstan according to the standards of WorldSkills Russia. The competitions have become a dress rehearsal for the Tatarstan team before the final of the IV National Championship of Professional Skills WorldSkills Russia in 2016. The competition for the competence “Entrepreneurship” was attended by nine teams: six teams from the Republic of Tatarstan, three - from Mari-El, Udmurtia and Ulyanovsk. The first place went to the team of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the Kazan Cooperative Institute (branch) of the “Russian University of Cooperation”, the second place went to the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution “Kazan Trade and Economic Technical College”, the third place was shared between the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution “International College of Service” and a team from Ulyanovsk –Professional Education Organization “Ulyanovsk College of Economics and Law of
of the Russian Federation".

The sponsor of the event was LLC “Kazan plant of low-tonnage chemistry”, which presented to the winners, who took the 1st place cash prize in the amount of 15 thousand rubles, 2nd place – 10 thousand rubles, and 3rd place – 5 thousand rubles.


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