Innovation Poligon has been launched!

14 april 2016

The Fourth Republican Contest of Youth Innovative Projects “Innovation Poligon 2016 “Tatarstan - the Territory of the Future” was launched in Technopolis “Himgrad” on April 14, 2016.

The competition participants are schoolchildren of the senior classes of secondary schools, as well as elementary and secondary educational institutions of Kazan and Tatarstan at the age of 14-17 years. This year’s competition is attended by about 100 high school students from all Tatarstan.

The purpose of the contest is to develop innovative potential of young people, to provide opportunities for young people to the development of their own entrepreneurial initiatives, to get real support of promising business ideas.

CEO of OJSC “Management Company “Idea Capital” Alexey Grushin and CEO of CJSC “Innovative and Production Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko welcomed children on the opening ceremony of the contest in addition to representatives of the scientific elite - professorial staff of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU). Representatives of the resident companies of Technopolis “Himgrad” made presentations of already implemented projects: developer of unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor emergency situations and irrigation of farmland LLC “Aviaresheniya” and also manufacturer of organic fertilizers LLC “Organic Park”.

Further professors – experts from KNRTU - told about the directions, which can be chosen by students within the framework of implementation of one or another project. For example, it has been demonstrated in the choice of 6 main areas, which can be selected by the contestants for their projects: chemistry of polymers and products from composite materials; biotechnology; innovation management; economic support of innovative projects; ecology; nanotechnology; energy saving; design.

The next stage of the competition is the interaction of the contestants with experts-professors of KNRTU, to which students turn for support, after determining a topic of their project. Further is the stage of formation of the business day and to communicate with successful entrepreneurs who work at the sites of Technopolis “Himgrad” and Technopark “Idea”. The competition ends with a public defense of projects and awarding of winners.

After the official part of the event the children enjoyed a tour on "Himgrad". Pupils could get acquainted with the exhibition of products of resident companies of Technopolis, as well as to visit the real energy efficient home. Also, the young guests got acquainted with a laboratory and production center of Techopark “KNRTU”, engaged in the development and testing of new polymer compositions. Particularly, guys were interested in equipment complex of the laboratory, including a UV chamber that simulates changes in weather conditions, as well as a mini-extruder for the production of prototypes.

Note that the Republican contest is held for the fourth consecutive year. The competition is organized by the Kazan National Research Technological University; co-organizers are Technopolis “Himgrad” and Technopark “Idea”. The event is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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