Residents of Technopark “Idea” presented their projects for young innovators of the country

18 april 2016

The opening of a meeting of young innovators, inventors and rationalizers of the regions of Russia has been held in Kazan today.

The participants of the meeting are schoolchildren, students of the Centers for Youth Innovation Creativity, children’s technoparks, campuses, winners of the All-Russian competitions “Umnik” and “Shustrik”, as well as young innovators - representatives of universities and startups from 179 regions of Russia.

The main purpose of the meeting is the support and promotion of inventive and innovative activities, identification of scientific and technical potential among schoolchildren, high school youth and businesses.

The opening ceremony of the meeting was attended by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere Ivan Bortnik, acting Executive Director of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) Ivan Fedotov, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Artyom Zdunov, rector of Kazan National Research Technical University (KNRTU-KAI) named after A.N. Tupolev Albert Gilmutdinov and others.

The guests got acquainted with the projects and exhibits of scientific and technical creativity of youth, and also participated in the opening of the Center for prototyping and implementation of domestic robotics. Technical Director of JSC “Quiberon group” Ruslan Khanustaranov (resident of Technopark “Idea”) presented an updated line of RangeVision scanners and a new printer Zenit at the exhibition. He also said that now is gaining momentum a joint project with the Palace of Youth Creativity from Arsk city in the field of aircraft modeling and fabrication using 3d printers broken parts for aircrafts.

Welcoming the participants of the event, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov noted that today it is actively developing innovation infrastructure, creating new industries and jobs in the region. “We aim to encourage scientific and inventive activities”, - he said.

Acting Director of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS) Denis Vinogradov, read out a welcome address to the participants of the meeting on behalf of the Head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property Grigory Ivliev.

Young innovators and rationalizers presented their projects at the plenary session of the meeting. In total, the event was attended by more than 490 young innovators.

Note that the residents of Technopark “Idea” work hard with the younger generation. For example, the company “Quiberon Group” has conducted master classes for leaders of the Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity of Russia in the framework of the meeting over the weekend. “The master class has been recorded on video and soon everyone will be able to access it”, - said Ruslan Khanustaranov.

Today, as part of the meeting, the Director of the representative office of Siemens (one of the anchor residents of Technopark) in the Volga Federal District Shamil Faizrakhmanov gave a master class “Siemens. Innovation in Business”, where he talked about the numerous developments of the company.

The press service of Technopark “Idea” according to the press service of RT President 

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