The project CYIC “Idea” is a finalist of the Forum “Our Tatarstan”

21 april 2016

The Center for Youth Innovative Creativity “Idea” has become the finalist of the VI Republican Youth Forum “Our Tatarstan”. At the competition Maria Nasonova presented a project on the methods of diagnostic of innovative potential development, identifying engineering tendencies in the youth environment, the methods of work with innovative projects.

The Republican Youth Forum “Our Tatarstan” is a main annual platform for young people, where any young person and team can present and defend their project, to gain new knowledge, to find like-minded people and investors for its implementation, as well as to receive public and government support. The final of the competition has started today and will last until April 23, 2016. According to the results of the Forum it will be selected the best projects and youth programs for the further support and maintenance from the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, business partners, investors and organizers of the Forum.

We would like to remind that the first Russia’s opening of the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIC “Idea”) was held in Kazan in Technopark “Idea” on February 27, 2013. Today there are 14 centers in the republic.

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