Residents of Technopark “Idea” are prize-winners of the Republican Youth Forum “Our Tatarstan”

25 april 2016

Awarding of winners of the VI Republican Youth Forum “Our Tatarstan” was held on April 23, 2016 at the Kazan IT-Park. The event was attended by Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolay Nikiforov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and other honoured guests.

The Republican Youth Forum “Our Tatarstan” is the main platform on which any young person and team can present and defend their project, to find like-minded people for its implementation, to receive public and government support.

An exhibition of the 42 best youth projects from 1,195 declared youth projects, identified through expert selection on the results of correspondence stages and full-time protections, was opened within three days of the forum (21-23 April). Among the selected projects there are works of the CYIC “Idea” (“The development of technology for diagnostics, the development of innovative potential, identify engineering tendencies among the youth, helping young people caught in difficult situations”) and the development of CEO of a resident company of Technopark Radik Chumarin (“Data Armor Database Firewall”).

A comprehensive educational program, dedicated to the creation and implementation of projects, was passed for the contestants during these days; the authors were invited to present their ideas in the format face2face; meetings were held with businessmen, politicians, experts and public figures, as well as there were organized such well-known events like TEDx and the Republican Championship in solving business cases.

Nikolay Nikiforov addressed to the participants with welcoming speech. He was impressed by the variety of projects, great ambition of the guys who are representing it here. “The whole Russian economy now needs innovative ideas of the people who are able to implement these ideas, - said Nikolay Nikiforov. I am proud of the fact that in the Republic of Tatarstan a system of “social elevators” is established so those allow creating the project to move forward”.

In turn, Rustam Minnikhanov said: “We will ensure that none of the project is lost. The fact that today we have seen is of great practical interest for the economy, both the Republic and the country as a whole. More than 1,000 projects have been submitted, so it needs to continue to support this movement. Our future is in initiative and creative people. You are our support and pride, I congratulate all of you and thank you for such a great forum”.

One the results of the forum  the project of Radik Chumarin took the second place at the site of “Territory of Entrepreneurship” and the project of the CYIC “Idea” (author is Maria Nasonova) took the first place at the site of “Territory of Peace and Consent”.

Note that the best youth projects will aim to explore and provide support in the implementation to the relevant ministries, agencies, research organizations, innovative enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The forum has been implemented by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sport of the Republic of Tatarstan jointly with the Regional youth social movement of young scientists and specialists of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Regional public organization “Academy of Creative Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan” since 2010.

The press service of Technopark “Idea” according to the press service of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

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