"Foresight-Fleet 2016” finishes its work in Astrakhan

19 may 2016

700 participants were sailing on ships along the route “Samara-Astrakhan” with a stop in Volgograd from 15 to 19 of May 2016.

“Foresight-Fleet” is a unique, not having analogues in Russia and in the world, format of the group communication, during which participants jointly develop roadmaps of sectoral and territorial development and projects on the most significant and promising areas in the economy, social sphere and public administration.

This year “Foresight-Fleet” participants were distributed across 4 ships, in accordance with their professional competences and interests: business, state, society and the world, in the framework of the collaborative design of strategy of implementation and management of the national technology initiative.

General Director of the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolay Nasonov was among the participants of the project. He worked on the ship “Society”, where together with colleagues he developed the mechanisms of functioning of the society systems and studied and the required changes for a technological breakthrough of Russia. Also Nikolay Nasonov defended a project at the strategic session of “Foresight-Fleet 2016”.

The strategy of implementation and management of the national technology initiative, developed by the participants of “Foresight - Fleet 2016”, will be submitted to the President of the Russian Federation in July 2016.

The organizers of “Foresight-Fleet 2016” are: the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and OJSC “Russian Venture Company”, with the support of the Fund “SKOLKOVO”, the Union “WorldSkills Russia”, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere. The agenda is joint development of the strategy and system of management of the National technology initiative.

For reference:

National Technology Initiative (NTI) is a program of measures for creation of conditions for the Russian global leadership to 2030 in new high-tech industries. The launch of the national long-term project requires the solution of the whole complex of issues - from providing leadership in new technologies and finding partners on the world stage, to develop cultural patterns that encourage society to move forward and public campaigns. “Foresight-Fleet 2016” aims to unite the efforts of business, government, society, as well as Russia’s international partners to collectively meet these challenges.

 “Foresight-Fleet” in 2016 was held for the fifth time. Each year the agenda of “Foresight-Fleet” is determined by the strategic priorities, identified by the first persons of the state, professional societies and associations. The development of the National Technology Initiative was started in 2015. As a result of “Foresight-Fleet 2015”, participants formed 12 working groups to develop “roadmaps” for 9 markets and 3 cross-market areas of NTI. Throughout the year the work on the National technology initiative was done in part of the definition and specification NTI models, the development of the “roadmaps”, design and development of specific initiatives in the areas of “Technology”, “Services”, “Talents”. For the NTI 2015 was the year of creation of initial community of technological entrepreneurs, active representatives of science, education, development institutions, federal and regional authorities.

The press service of the Technopark “Idea” based on http://foresighttrip.asi.ru/

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