Schoolchildren of “Nanograd” solved 10 industrial problems

26 july 2016

The VI Summer School “Nanograd” has completed its work. This year its work has focused on solving real industrial problems. Cases, the solution of which are worked engineers of organizations such as the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (RIAR), Technopark “Idea”, company “Metal-composite”, “ElTekh SPb”, “RuGadzhet”, “HeatLab”, “Stroylab” and other enterprises, have been considered at 10 internship sites.

A decision of the BMSTU case was a technology for the production of new fuels using hydrogen and dimethyl ether for cars, trainees of RIAR has proposed a new compact source of electricity. The students, entering into HeatLab team, made technical calculations of the concentration of silicon carbide to create a new composite. The team of ElTekh SPb interns has developed a proposal to create wearable medical devices based on MEMS technology and application of metals with shape memory effect. Trainees of the company “Metal-Composite” have developed a substrate for the supports of machine tools with better strength and damping characteristics. Representatives of the companies and the jury members praised the work of the apprenticeship sites, noted a good level of technical elaboration of case studies and marketing issues. Schoolchildren often went beyond the solution of technical tasks and proposed solutions of interest to related areas of production. The ideas, proposed by residents of Nanograd during the sites work, it is planned to use in further work of the companies.

Motorist Day was held in the framework of the school “Nanograd”. Participants of the Summer School were welcomed by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Alexander Morozov. Racing back-up vehicle KAMAZ-4326 of a team “KAMAZ-master”, taking part in the rally “Silk Way – 2016”, as well as unmanned car Lada Kalina, developed by specialists of “NAMI”, came to the residents of “Nanograd”. Representatives of the Scientific Center “NAMI” told about the prospects of development of unmanned vehicles and a project “AutoNet”, under which there are developed promising intelligent transport systems, including radars near and far action, cameras, navigation and other electronic sensors. Staff of the Scientific Center held a demonstration race of the unmanned vehicle that performed the following maneuvers: “snake”, turning, stopping in front of an obstacle, parallel parking.

The Sixth Summer School “Nanograd” was being held from 1 to 10 July 2016 on the basis of the Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after by P.A. Stolypin. The event was organized by ANPO “School League” of RUSNANO with the support of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, the Government of the Ulyanovsk region, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk region and Ulyanovsk Nanocenter ULNANOTECH.

The Summer School was attended by over 350 people: 250 students from 23 regions of the country and more than 100 students, teachers, scientists, and entrepreneurs. The Summer School “Nanograd” has been annually held since 2011. Previously, the event was held in Penza, Kazan, Moscow, Togliatti, and Saransk.




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