10-year old Kazan boy has created a cyber-hand for people without limbs

29 july 2016

The boy presented the invention prior to a meeting in the Government House, where it was said about the support of young talents of Tatarstan. Kazan fourth grader Sergey Valeev showed his product in action. The cunning device of plastic parts, rollers and wires put on the hand and runs on battery.

- This is the LEGO hand. It is made for people who do not have one hand or it is weak, and for this, to help them it was developed LEGO-hand, - said the inventor.Mechanical fingers of the device obediently unclench and grab a bottle of water.

- So far, however, it is necessary to press buttons, but in the future, I hope it will be possible to make it so that the fingers were bent on the orders of the brain, - added Sergey.

- He’s just loved to design from childhood, - explained mother Anna Pleschinskaya the passion of the son. - We have many constructors at home, but at some point it wasn't enough to him. We started looking for a club that he will has a head, and classes in more complex circuits with programming. He has been going for two years in such club in Technopark “Idea” and he very likes it. More and more serious tasks are charged here, related to the development, setting-up, and he all turns out. It is great that children have such opportunities; it would be great to have more such centers!

We can say that the desire of parents of gifted children come true. Platforms for opening of the creative potential of young talents are opened across the country. Sergey attends classes in the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIC) on the basis of Technopark “Idea”. 14 such centers are in the republic and 4 of them have been opened this year. Teenagers are helped to develop skills in robotics, engineering and design abilities in the CYICs. Here children get the whole complex of knowledge and skills from programming to 3D printing and designing of complex systems.

Children’s technopark “Kvantorium” was opened on the basis of IT-park in Naberezhnye Chelny. Only two such platforms are in Russia. The republic is the undisputed leader by the number of such centers. But to achieve great success, much remains to be done. Today new steps to support young talents in Tatarstan have been developed at the meeting in the Cabinet of Ministers.

- Investments in human capital are the most important principle of the development strategy of the Republic of Tatarstan of 2030. A comprehensive system of identifying and supporting young talents is a component of this strategic line. We have well-established work at all stages: the search of young talents, their training using the most advanced techniques, and then producing promising young professionals. Thus, we creates the conditions for disclosure of creative and intellectual potential of our talented children in the republic and at the same time creates a reserve for the future, fostering a high level creative personnel, - said the participant of the meeting Murad Gadyl'shin.

First, participants discussed how to implement the republican programs aimed at developing intellectual and creative potential of children and young people. Investing in young people is a key principle of Tatarstan development strategy. A concept of “Perspective” has been implementing for the 4th year in the republic, a state program “Strategic talent management” was approved in 2014, and Talents University works here.

All of them are designed with the best international practices and include the entire cycle of actions from identifying, tracking and securing talented young people. The process involved the relevant ministries, departments, scientific and educational organizations, enterprises of Tatarstan.

- The program is designed for the period until 2020 and provides annual funding in the amount of 100 million rubles. Its purpose is to create a system of development of intellectual and creative potential of children and youth, - said the Minister of Education and Science of the republic Engel Fattakhov. According to him, 26 measures were implemented in the framework of the program only for the last year. For example, it was on the playing vocational guidance and professionalization of children. Specialists from 85 companies, on sites of which they created joint projects, were attracted to work with young people. Total 40 teams of mentors were selected with the participation of more than 150 people from among the representatives of educational organizations and parents. A mentoring system is implemented in 11 districts. University of Talent introduced a model of training classes, project laboratories, young scientific competition, and much more.

Enterprises are the direct clients of talented, gifted, young professionals. Their activities are aimed at a wide audience of young people and contribute to the consolidation of production, - said Deputy General Director of PJSC “KAMAZ” for Human Resources and Organizational Development Alexander Ushenin.

Tatarstan is a pilot region in implementing the regional staffing standard of industrial growth, developed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. By the end of this year, the standard should be implemented with the participation of the Talent University.

- The program is very important and necessary. I agree that it is impossible to focus only on the winners of competitions, because ultimately we are talking about talents in different directions. Our goal is to ensure that young people are able to realize in any professional field. Therefore, there are not only companies and organizations, and all potential employers, the state and business should be thus locomotive that leads this great program. We, as the nation, must do everything possible to direct assistance to the program are not small funds available in the framework of this direction, - said in the conclusion of the meeting Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov.

The republic has developed and implemented the mechanisms of producing and retaining young people in the workplace. As experts note, such policy in respect of youth creates the potential to prepare the best professional personnel for the region’s economy and provides the inflow to the republic of best of the best.




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