A Unified register of subjects of small and medium-sized businesses started work in Russia

1 august 2016

The Unified register of small and medium-sized businesses has started to work today in Russia.  It is available on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS). It is believed that the registry will allow businesses to not collect the documents to obtain benefits or to participate in public procurement.

The creators claim that access to the registry can be accessed from any device, reports “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”.

The registry includes data about the companies and individual entrepreneurs, conforming to the requirements for SMEs.

The turnover of the micro enterprises should not exceed 120 million rubles, small — 800 million rubles, medium — 2 billion rubles from August 1, 2016. The maximum number of employees of micro enterprises cannot exceed 15 people, a small company - 100 people, average - 250.

Earlier, the Ministry of Finance has offered to reduce the cost of support for small and medium-sized businesses for three times.


Text: realnoevremya.ru

Photo: kremlin.ru

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