Residents of Technopark “Idea” increased the volume of output by 70.5%

11 august 2016

Residents of Technopark “Idea” produced goods and rendered services for 3 220.5 million rubles for the first half of 2016 that is 70.5% more than in the same period of the last year. The volume of output, produced by residents of the Technopark for the same period in 2015, amounted to 1 888.5 million rubles.

The volume of output in the field of nanotechnology is 883.6 million rubles, which is 27% of the total volume of produced goods, works and services. Compared with last year this figure increased by 609.2 million rubles (in 3.2 times), in the first half of 2015 this value amounted to 274.4 million rubles.

106 companies, including 7 anchor residents, 4 organizations providing support to subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, 95 of small businesses (33 - Start-up stage, 62 – Expansion stage), localize in Technopark at the end of the second quarter of 2016.

2,197 employees work in 106 companies, the average wage of which is 38,706 rubles that is higher than the republican average value of 32%. According to Territorial body of the Federal state statistics service in the Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstanstat) the average value is 29,397 rubles.

For reference:

Technopark “Idea” was created in 2004. More than 8,000 jobs were created and more than 500 companies received the possibility of localization over 12 years of its experience. Some of the residents of Technopark are the largest companies in the medical and robotics clusters of Skolkovo, and anchor residents of “Idea” are in the TOP 10 of the world’s largest brands.

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