The Foundation for Assistance to Innovations begins accepting applications under the program “Business-Start”

3 september 2016

The Foundation for Assistance for Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere announces receipt of applications under the program “Business-Start”.

The purpose of the program is to provide financial support in the amount of up to 5 million rubles, assuming 100% co-financing from extrabudgetary funds to small innovative companies that have completed R&D and planning to create or expand production of innovative products, developed in the framework of the program “Start”.

The program “Business-Start” is the replacement of the competition “Start-3” and involves the funding not of R&D, but commercialization of R&D results (the analog of program “Commercialization” for the participants of the program “Start”).

The competition is held on the following thematic areas:

  • Information technology;
  • Medicine of the future;
  • Modern materials and technologies of its creation;
  • New devices and hardware complexes;
  • Biotechnology.

The competition can be attended by following enterprises:

  • relating to small under the provisions of the Federal Law from 24.07.2007 № 209-FZ;
  • having closed contract on the competition “Start-2”;
  • do not have open contracts with the Foundation for Assistance.

Grants are provided in the form of subsidies to small innovative enterprises for the financial support of the costs associated with the implementation of innovative projects, the results of which have the prospect of commercialization, with the exception of the costs for performing research and development work.

Grants are provided to companies in 2 stages in accordance with a calendar plan of realization of innovative project.

Applications will be accepted from September 05, 2016 to November 21, 2016.

More detailed information about conditions of participation in the contest “Business-Start”, as well as the regulations of the program are posted on the Foundation’s website at:

You can apply through an automated system Fund-M at the following address:

According to the materials of event organizers

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