TASS and Corporation for SMEs launch service for SMEs

3 october 2016

September 30, 2016 Russian News Agency “TASS” in partnership with JSC “Corporation for SMEs” has launched a number of free services for SMEs using new modern online platform of business communications “TASS-Business”.

In particular, SMEs will be available services of quick comprehensive check of contractors in more than 15 parameters; easy search for procurement notices; placement of actual contacts and ads about your company; analytical support.

Registered users of Business Navigator for SMEs, developed by the Corporation for SMEs, will be able to use these services for free through the use of functionality of a Portal of information systems of the Corporation for SMEs.

Mission of the business communications platform “TASS-Business” is to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises by providing users with accessible and popular services, aimed at the development and minimize the risks of doing business, as well as to improve the effective of the participation of SMEs in the procurement of major companies, including with state participation.

“TASS-Business” offers services for large companies that facilitate search and interaction with potential suppliers that will help make the procurement activities of such companies, including with state participation, more effective.

 “Development Strategy of TASS suggests the launch of new information products and services designed for different target audience, - commented on the launch of new resource CEO of TASS Sergey Mikhailov. – The main purpose of “TASS-Business” is to help small and medium-sized businesses to conduct open and transparent business”.

The advantage of “TASS-Business”, according to Mikhailov, is that a large part of the services for users free – you just have to register, and the full paid version of the resource is significantly cheaper counterparts. The service is available through a Web-based application and does not require any special competences by users.

Running free services for SMEs using the online platform of business communications “TASS-Business” is the first joint step in the implementation of Memorandum of cooperation between TASS and the Corporation for SMEs in the creation of information-analytical and communication services, signed on 17 June 2016 in the framework of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

The launch of the information resource for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs Business Navigator for SMEs, developed by the Corporation for SMEs, were announced on 7 September 2016 at the meeting of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev with representatives of the business community in Ulan-Ude (Republic of Buryatia).

According to the CEO of the Corporation for SMEs Alexander Braverman, the integration of “TASS-Business”, Business Navigator for SMEs and the Unified SMEs registry allows to provide to SMEs a tool that will help new and existing entrepreneurs to generate more complete and relevant baseline for decision making when creating, maintaining or expanding their business, as well as to quickly find suppliers and customers on the established requirements for goods, works, services, to determine market niches and expect a business plan, to check counterparties, to choose the best financial loan products, to lead the promotion of their company, to learn about the support measures and to get analytics on the selected field of business.

The developer of the project “TASS-Business” is “TASS Information Technology”, the owners of which are LLC “Media partner” – it owns 51% shares and LLC “Business-TASS” (49% of the share capital). LLC “Business-TASS” is a 100% subsidiary of TASS.

Developer of Business Navigator for SMEs is a Joint-stock company “Federal Corporation for the development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship”.

Developer of the Unified SME Registry is the Federal Tax Service of Russia.



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