Dear journalists!

12 october 2016

Measures of state support of innovative projects of Tatarstan youth will be discussed on October 14, 2016 at 10:00 am in Technopark “Idea”. Seminar-meeting “Resources of the state support of Tatarstan for the development of innovative project creativity of the youth” will bring together the organizers of the republican and regional stages of national competitive events (Olympiads, competitions, contests) in various areas (“science"”, “technology”, “culture and art”, “entrepreneurship”, “social work”, “sport”).

The participants will discuss the challenges of the development of innovative project creativity of the youth in the republic, the thematic field for tasks and cases in the project creativity of the youth, as well as will introduce new project Olympiad, as implemented under the state program, and at the federal level (Olympics NTI, Competition of project works of the Federal Educational Foundation “Talent and Success”).

In Tatarstan a platform for implementing the project decisions of gifted children and young people of the republic is a Talent University – the operator of the State program “Strategic talent management in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2015-2020”, the goals and objectives of which will be presented in the framework of the upcoming seminar- meeting. In addition, a Republican regulation for the formation of competitive events that contribute to the identification, support and maintenance of gifted and talented young people will be considered during the event.

Technopark “Idea” creates favorable conditions for the development of children and youth capacities: assembling and programming robots, children learn in the Center of robotics of Technopark, and they taught laser technology and the basics of prototyping in the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity “Idea”. Besides, Technopark “Idea” advises innovators on how to fill out applications for grants from the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation. Annually, Technopark organizes and holds Republican Robotics Festival. In addition, it actively supports youth contest “Tatarstan Erudite”, specialized school “Orbital” and summer camp “Nanograd”.

Event: Seminar-meeting “Resources of the state support of Tatarstan for the development of innovative project creativity of the youth”

When: October 14, 2016 at 10:00 am

Where: Technopark “Idea” (Kazan, Peterburgskaya, 50. Semi-circular entrance with flags).

Contact person: Alsu Mironova - 8 952 036 36 89

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