Technopark “IDEA” celebrates 4 years of its successful operation!

5 february 2008

Four years have passed since Technopark “IDEA” was founded in the Republic of Tatarstan in February 2004. Its creation was closely related with forward policy of Tatarstan government, which decided to establish in the republic a Technopark - a center of science intensive developments concentration and commercialization – to enhance the development of advanced technology business.

Today Technopark has achieved new level of its development. IDEA has an advanced infrastructure, included three functional units supporting business development: the Business-Incubator, the Innovation Technological Center and the Business Park. Besides, there is a system of innovative projects contests, venture fairs and conferences in Technopark. The programs “IDEA-1000”, “Perspektiva” andKazan venture fair are held with active participation of Technopark “IDEA” in the Republic of Tatarstan every year.

Technopark has developed over 1200 innovative projects by the moment. 94 projects are managed by the managers of Technopark.

Today Technopark “IDEA” is home to 90 companies, including 35 companies graduated from the Business-Incubator. 1450 new work places have created.


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